PALFINGER AG: Results of the 34th Annual General Meeting


Record dividend payout of EUR 0.77 per share for the fiscal year 2021 resolved

The 34th Annual General Meeting of PALFINGER AG was held today in Salzburg with the virtual participation of 258 shareholders with voting rights and resolved, among other things, to pay out a dividend of EUR 0.77 per share. This corresponds to a total dividend payout of around EUR 29 million for the fiscal year 2021. The actions of the members of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board were ratified and PwC Wirtschaftsprüfungs GmbH was reappointed as the auditor of the financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year 2022. The Annual General Meeting also re-elected Mr. Hannes Bogner to the Supervisory Board of PALFINGER AG. The remuneration report for the fiscal year 2021 was submitted to the Annual General Meeting for voting and was also adopted by the Annual General Meeting.


PALFINGER is an international technology and mechanical engineering company and the world’s leading producer and provider of innovative crane and lifting solutions. With around 12,650 employees (without contract workers), 30 manufacturing sites and a worldwide sales and service network of around 5,000 service points, PALFINGER creates added value from the challenges of its customers. PALFINGER is consistently continuing on its course as a provider of innovative, complete solutions that deliver increased efficiency and better operability, while leveraging the potential of digitalization along the entire production and value chain.

PALFINGER AG has been listed on the Vienna stock exchange since 1999, and in 2023 achieved record revenue of EUR 2.45 billion.


For further information please contact:

Hannes Roither | Group Spokesperson | PALFINGER AG
T +43 662 2281-81100 |

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