PALFINGER: European Works Council Takes Shape


An EU directive for large companies provides for the possibility of shared, cross-border representation of European employees. Following delays due to the pandemic, the European Works Council for PALFINGER now takes shape.

In the Image: The PALFINGER team that laid the foundation for the EWC. (from the left): Roland Lechner, Human Resources EMEA; Andreas Klauser, CEO; Mateja Pepic, Legal Counsel; Hubert Palfinger, Chair of the Supervisory Board; Johannes Kücher, Chair of the Works Council. © PALFINGER

PALFINGER is preparing the constitution of the European Works Council (EWC). “Especially in challenging times, it is important to have competent and widely recognized dialog partners. I am pleased that PALFINGER employees across Europe will be able to speak with one voice,” says PALFINGER CEO Andreas Klauser. The establishment of European-wide employee representation makes PALFINGER compliant with an EU directive that affects companies with more than 1,000 employees and several European locations.

22 delegates from 16 countries

In the first week of May, 22 delegates from 16 countries met in Salzburg (AT). Following four days of intense and productive talks, the basis for the constitution of the EWC was agreed upon. In the next step, the negotiating team headed by Johannes Kücher from Austria will prepare the constitution. He is supported by Stoyan Petrov from Bulgaria and Domenico D'Antonio from Italy. This summer, in its first constituent meeting, the EWC will elect its chairman and the board and the EWC will start its work.


One voice for all employees

“Our goal is to inform all employees in Europe even better than before about important developments and to represent their shared interests efficiently,” says Johannes Kücher, Chair of the Works Council at PALFINGER AG. The EWC sees PALFINGER continue the trusting and productive cooperation between employee and employer representatives on a European level. “It was important to us that all the countries in which PALFINGER is represented in Europe receive one vote. That has now been ensured. I am looking forward to working together,” says Andreas Klauser.


To the press release


PALFINGER is an international technology and mechanical engineering company and the world’s leading producer and provider of innovative crane and lifting solutions. With around 12,650 employees (without contract workers), 30 manufacturing sites and a worldwide sales and service network of around 5,000 service points, PALFINGER creates added value from the challenges of its customers. PALFINGER is consistently continuing on its course as a provider of innovative, complete solutions that deliver increased efficiency and better operability, while leveraging the potential of digitalization along the entire production and value chain.

PALFINGER AG has been listed on the Vienna stock exchange since 1999, and in 2023 achieved record revenue of EUR 2.45 billion.



Katja Pötsch | Head of Public Relations & Executive Communication | PALFINGER AG
M +43 664 889 69 065  |